Stoichiometry/CO2 Emissions Calculator

Write the balanced equation here then put the coefficients (pink boxes) and subscripts into the form.
The form is pre-populated with the combustion of methane reaction. The equation is unbalanced.

C H O N S F Cl P + C H O N S F Cl P + C H O N S F Cl P ------------->
         Molar Mass: g/mol                                            Molar Mass 2: g/mol                                         Molar Mass 3: g/mol

                     C H O N S F Cl P + C H O N S F Cl P + C H O N S F Cl P
                              Molar Mass 4: g/mol                                         Molar Mass 5: g/mol                                         Molar Mass 6: g/mol
               [No canvas support]
                                  Graph generated by RGraph

If mass of the reactants ()
   equals the mass of the products (),
   then the equation is balanced.
Mass difference =

Fuel Mass: g (or other units) fuel                 ----> CO2 Mass: g (or other units)       CO2 to Fuel Ratio:
----> H2O Mass: g (or other units)
----> 3rd Product Mass: g (or other units)
----> O2 Mass Needed: g (or other units)
----> 3rd Reactant Mass Needed: g (or other units)

      Energy Density Data: Enter Value Here: kJ/g                                  ΔH: kJ/mol
      CO2 Produced: g            Total Energy Produced: kJ       CO2 per kJ: g