
Rotate Click-drag to rotate your view.
Translate Shift-double-click-drag to translate.
Zoom Shift-click-drag or just zoom drag (after selecting a frame) to zoom in or out.
Rotate Z Shift-click-drag (in the left right plane) to rotate around the z-axis (of the screen).


Display is another critical aspect in understanding JSmol and molecular structure.

Spacefill - 0%20%60%100%
Wireframe - .1.2.4off
Backbone - onoff
Cartoon - onoff
Hydrogen Bonds - onoff


JSmol also has a lot of cool interactions you can do

Distance Double clicking an atom and then clicking a second atom will display a distance measurement (in nanometers (nm)).
Angle Double clicking an atom and then clicking a second and third atom will display the angle between the 1st and 3rd atoms.
Torsion Double clicking an atom and then clicking three more atoms will display a torsion angle along the 2nd and 3rd atoms.